Common types of pain
Headaches can appear out of nowhere. In one moment you feel great and the next you feel like your head is going to explode. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 50% of the world's population, especially adults, suffer from headaches.
There are different types of headaches such as:
Tension headache:
A common type of headache that affects 70% of the world's population. It looks like a tight band has been tied around the head and neck. You may be surprised to learn that one of the sources of tension headaches is the tenderness of your head and neck muscles when you're stressed or tired. When these muscles are tight, the tension leads to irritation of the nerves in the head and neck. The pain goes up to the head and you feel it like a headache. The intensity of the pain is mild or moderate, and the headache is usually not accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting. Usually, we can continue to work and do our activities, but often with less intensity.
When this type of headache strikes us, we generally manage to relieve the pain with analgesics such as paracetamol (Parol®) or ibuprofen (Pedifen®). If we cannot control the pain of our headache or if it prevents us from functioning, we must consult a doctor.
Headache :
Migraine is a complex neurological disease. It's a headache that's hard to endure and relieve that can keep us from functioning. A typical migraine presents as moderate to severe, throbbing or throbbing pain on one side of the head. One may also have nausea and sensitivity to light.
It's not clear what exactly causes migraines, but temporary changes in blood vessels and chemicals in the brain could play a role.
The brain of migraine sufferers, for example, is marked by a lack of serotonin activity, a hormone that acts in particular to calm our nervous system. “This places the migraine brain in a state of constant hyperexcitability. At some point, the brain becomes so overexcited that it can no longer function properly. This triggers an inflammation response from the nerves in the head and results in migraine.
For migraine, several types of triggers are possible, including
stress and strong emotions
lack of sleep
hormonal variations associated with menstruation and premenopause
strong smells (perfumes)
intense noise and light;
climatic variations
hunger, skipping meals, or being dehydrated
the alcohol
migraine can also be of genetic origin.
Each person is unique and does not necessarily have the same triggers.
Migraine occurs in people who have reached puberty and mainly affects people between the ages of 35 and 45. It is more common in women, due to hormonal influences.
There is no cure for migraine, but the pain can be reduced and the attacks reduced. To protect their sensitive brains, migraine sufferers must not only avoid the triggers of their attacks, but also review their lifestyle habits. Here is what we can do:
Medications in the class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Pedifen® (ibuprofen), can calm nerve inflammation and stop migraine pain. But if that's not enough, a prescription for other types of specialized migraine products may be needed.
Cluster headache – cluster headache - Cluster headache:
This is a rare and severe type of headache, which feels like a piercing sensation in the head. People with cluster headaches report 1 to 3 sudden headaches per day over a period of weeks or months. The seizures are usually sudden and the pain experienced is usually intense and felt behind the eye or sometimes on one side of the head. It occurs in one in 1,000 adults, begins without any warning signs, and is more commonly seen in men.
Conventional painkillers do not work on this type of headache.
Headaches in children:
Unlike adults, headaches in children are sometimes different, which makes their diagnosis difficult. In children, headaches occur for a short time and cause nausea or vomiting. A child may appear restless or pale when suffering from a headache.
Several reasons can contribute to headaches in children, for example:
Skipped meals
Sports can cause dehydration and low blood sugar levels, leading to headaches.
Emotional highs and lows: The child may have a problem at school that he does not talk about.
Back pain - lumbago
Back pain is a very common problem, with 80% of adults reporting having had back pain at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, it can easily become chronic. Lower back pain (felt down the spine, from the neck to the hips) is very common. Back problems manifest themselves in very different ways: from dull ache to cramping lower back, to sharp pain. As with other pains, back problems can also be avoided by improving your lifestyle.
Simple and sudden actions can cause back pain, for example:
Bending too quickly or picking up a heavy object
Ligament sprain or muscle strain
Ruptured or herniated disc
Joint swelling and even psychological stress
Bad posture and lack of exercise
Smoking and Obesity
Often these back pains are accompanied by inflammatory phenomena. Drug treatment is often based on taking an NSAID such as Pedifen® (ibuprofen) or Flurifen® (flurbiprofen). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of these products breaks the cycle that maintains between tension and pain.
Muscle pain
Like any other tissue in our body, muscles can be irritated and cause pain. You may have experienced muscle soreness after heavy exercise or after walking for long hours. This may be due to phenomena that act on nerve receptors.
Muscle pain can be caused by sudden movements, accidents, falls, dislocations and direct blows to the muscle. Muscle pain can also be due to an underlying injury, autoimmune disease, infection, low blood flow to the muscles, or a tumor.
Articular pain
A joint is the connection between the bones of the body that allows us to move. They are constructed to allow different degrees and types of movement. Some joints, such as the knee, elbow and shoulder, are self-lubricating, able to withstand compression and allow heavy loads to be carried. Injuries or joint disorders (for example, rheumatism) cause pain that limits your movement. Joint pain is usually due to an injury or an autoimmune problem like arthritis.
In joint pain there is often an inflammatory component. Drug treatment is often based on taking an NSAID such as Pedifen® (ibuprofen) or Flurifen® (flurbiprofen) which have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Body and muscle pain in children
Growing pains are common in preschoolers and preteens and can disrupt a child's sleep patterns. These pains are generally observed between 3 and 4 years and between 8 and 12 years.
Children tend to be very active and energetic, which wears out the muscles. Activities such as climbing, jumping, and running often cause pain in the thighs, calves, and behind the knees. There may also be headaches and abdominal pain.
Analgesics such as paracetamol (Parol®) or ibuprofen (Pedifen®) can relieve this pain.
Teeth ache
Toothache is a complex pain that can vary in intensity from mild to severe. It can be difficult to identify the source of the pain and can be felt in and around the teeth, ears, jaw, forehead or cheekbone.
There are several causes of toothache: cavities, cavities, cracked teeth, gum ulcers, sinusitis and pus at the tip of the tooth. The pain is often associated with physical and mental distress and is difficult to bear.
Oral pain relievers are used for the management of acute dental pain, and there are different drugs and drug combinations that can be used.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Pedifen® (ibuprofen) have been shown to be more effective in reducing pain than some other types of oral analgesics, mainly due to the fact that often there is an inflammatory component to pain. This type of product is therefore recommended as first-line treatment for the management of acute dental pain.
Menstrual pain - dysmenhorrhoea - painful periods
According to epidemiological studies, more than 50% of adolescent girls and young women suffer from dysmenorrhea, a difficult and painful menstruation with painful spasms of the lower abdomen, occurring during or just before menstruation, in the absence of known pathology of the pelvis. These pains precede or accompany menstruation, and may be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and headaches and fatigue.
Dysmenorrhea can have social consequences such as absenteeism at school or at work, as well as a limitation in daily activities (work, sport, etc.).
Primary dysmenorrhea can appear during adolescence from the first menarche or in the two years that follow. Higher during the first and second day, the pain persists between 8 and 72 hours and can radiate into the back and thighs.
The pain experienced during dysmenorrhea can even reach that felt during renal colic.
During menstruation, the muscles of the uterus contract (which can cause cramps). Contractions of the uterine muscles force the lining of the uterus to detach and temporarily cut off the blood supply, resulting in a temporary lack of oxygen. This causes the release of chemicals and prostaglandins that trigger pain.
By acting on the production of these prostaglandins, NSAIDs have a beneficial effect on these typical pains.